Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What to do with androids?

Ladies and gentlemen, it has been an exciting past few decades. What with the introduction of artificial intelligence to our society, the entire idea of what makes a man a man has drastically changed.

Over 30 years ago, we met Asimo, a Honda made robot with the ability to navigate. Next, the Nuerobots displayed the ability to problem solve, which is what we base much of our intelligence on. But now, just under 10 years ago, we have finally made it: fully-functioning robots with personalities! In the beginning, they worked as mere house servants and menial workers. But now, everyone is talking about Jack1796.

The San Francisco Yankees have programmed him to play baseball, and argue that he meets the qualifications of a man as defined by the official MLB guide. However, many speak out that although he displays a personality, he does not have any real feelings or emotions, and therefore is not a man. But baseball officials retaliate, pointing out that feelings or emotions have never been required to play the game.

In the next couple of days, Jack1796 will go through a series of tests conducted by both the MLB and the National Science Foundation to determine whether or not he is qualified to play professional baseball. We'll keep you posted!

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